Research Papers

International Journals

  1. “Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection via Normalizing Flows with Implicit Latent Features”, Elsevier Pattern Recognition (PR, IF: 8.52). Sep., 2022. MyeongAh Cho, Taeoh Kim, Ig‑Jae Kim, Kyungjae Lee, and Sangyoun Lee
  2. “Relational Deep Feature Learning for Heteroeneous Face Recognition”, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS, IF: 7.18). July, 2020. MyeongAh Cho, Taeoh Kim, Ig‑Jae Kim, Kyungjae Lee, and Sangyoun Lee
  3. “SSAT: Self-Supervised Associating Network for Multi-Object Tracking”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT, IF: 5.86). June, 2022. Tae-young Chung, MyeongAh Cho, Heansung Lee, Sangyoun Lee
  4. “Frame-to-Frame Visual Odometry Estimation Network with Drift Error Relaxation Method”, IEEE Access (IF: 3.48). Oct., 2022. Sangwon Hwang, MyeongAh Cho, Kyungjae Lee

International Conferences

  1. “Look Around for Anomalies: Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection via Context-Motion Relational Learning”, IEEE CVPR, 2023, M Cho, M Kim, S Hwang, C Park, K Kim, S Lee
  2. “Feature Disentanglement followed by Switching and Aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification”, IEEE WACV, 2023, M Kim, M Cho, S Lee
  3. “Occluded Person Re-Identification via Relational Adaptive Feature Correction Learning”, IEEE ICASSP, 2022, M Kim, M Cho, H Lee, S Cho, S Lee
  4. “Saliency Detection via Global Context Enhanced Feature Fusion and Edge Weighted Loss”, IEEE ICIP, 2022, C Park, M Lee, M Cho, S Lee
  5. “FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-temporal Patch Transformation”, IEEE WACV, 2022, C Park, M Cho, M Lee, S Lee
  6. “A Heterogeneous Face Recognition Via Part Adaptive And Relation Attention Module”, IEEE ICIP, 2021, R Xu, M Cho, S Lee
  7. “Learning Temporally Invariant and Localizable Features via Data Augmentation for Video Recognition”, ECCV Workshop, 2020, T Kim, H Lee, M Cho*, H Lee, D Cho, S Lee
  8. “CRVOS: Clue Refining Network for Video Object Segmentation”, IEEE ICIP, 2020, S Cho, M Cho, T Chung, H Lee, S Lee
  9. “N-RPN: Hard Example Learning for Region Proposal Networks”, IEEE ICIP, 2019, M Cho, T Chung, H Lee, S Lee
  10. “NIR-to-VIS Face Recognition via Embedding Relations and Coordinates of the Pairwise Features”, IAPR ICB, 2019, M Cho, T Chung, T Kim, S Lee


  1. “Patch Rotation Task Combined Autoencoder for Abnormal Event Detection”, IEIE 2021, C Park, M Cho, M Lee, S Lee
  2. “Photorealistic Style Transfer with Adversarial Loss for Photo-to-Sketch Facial Image Synthesis”, IEIE 2020, R Xu, M Cho, T Kim, S Lee
  3. “Three-Dimensional Rotation Angle Preprocessing and Weighted Blending for Fast Panoramic Image Method”, J_ournal of Broadcast Engineering_, 2018, M Cho, J Kim, K Kim
  4. “Preprocessing for performace improvement of Disparity Map Using Stereo Images”, KISTI, 2017, M Cho, H Kang, S Kim, D Kang, K Kim

Patents & Software Copyrights


  1. “Object Tracking Apparatus and Method using Self‑Attention”, KR-Registration No.10-2359982, Feb., 2022
  2. “Apparatus and Method for Recognizing Heterogeneous Face Based on Relationship Between Component”, KR-Registration No.10-2356438, Jan., 2022
  3. “Apparatus and Method for Tracking Pedestrians in Multiple CCTV Environment”, KR-Registration No.10-2355006, Jan., 2022
  4. “Apparatus And Method For Tracking Pedestrians In CCTV Environment”, KR-Registration No.10-2519367, April, 2023
  5. “Object Tracking Method and Feature Vector Extraction Method for Tracking Object”, KR-Application No.10-2021-0165002, Nov., 2021
  6. “Apparatus and Method for Detecting Anomalous Event”, KR-Application No.10-2020-0153560, Nov., 2020
  7. “Video Anomaly Detection Apparatus and Method using Relational Embedding”, KR-Application No.10-2022-0156968, Nov., 2022

Software Copyrights

  1. “Cross-resolution and cross-domain face recognition system”, C-2021-041681
  2. “Efficient object tracking system using the appearance consistency of the tracking target”, C-2021-041680
  3. “Video Anomaly Detection with Appearance and Motion Latent Features”, C‑2020‑039108
  4. “Single object tracking system utilizing external memory”, C-2022-039206
  5. “Graph Convolutional Neural Network Using Hierarchical Decomposition”, C-2022-039207
  6. “Image-based training data video editor”, C-2021-041679
  7. “Visual Object Tracking Using Keypoint Prediction”, C-2020-039110
  8. “Single tracking system using online adaptation method”, C-2020-008250
  9. “Graph structured heterogeneous face recognition system”, C-2020-008251
  10. “Single Object Tracking System using Region Proposal Network”, C-2019-008621
  11. “Heterogeneous Face Recognition using Deep Learning”, C-2019-008173