About me

MyeongAh Cho is a Ph.D Candidate and AI Researcher of Image and Video Pattern Recognition Lab., Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University. She focuses on multiple aspects of computer vision – from processing images and videos, to applying and analyzing with pattern recognition.

She has a broad technical background in AI, deep learning, computer vision, and image processing. She has published international papers including top-tier conference. She is interested in visual (image/video) representation learning with vaious models, datasets, and supervisions. Recently, her research topics are about video anomaly detection, face recognition, and 3d scene reconstruction.

More information can be found on her CV.


Affiliation: Image and Video Pattern Recognition Lab.
Office: C507, Engineering Building, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Email: maycho0305[at]gmail.com